RMM Grants Awarded

See where grants have been awarded across Minnesota.
Kim Mueller
Like the rest of the nation, Minnesota has a shortage of healthcare workers. In 2014, the healthcare industry comprised 14 percent of the state’s…
Laura Savin, Melissa Cuff, Tracy Wilson
There is a shortage of healthcare workers in Minnesota and across the country, and the demand for skilled healthcare professionals will rise as the…
Stephanie J. Zojonc and Laura Schultz
During elementary school, children are socialized to believe various things about themselves and the world around them. If young people don’t…
Dr. Atta Behfar, MD, PhD
Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the rejuvenation, replacement, and regeneration of human cells, tissues, and organs…
Robert Nellis
Regenerative medicine has the potential to help millions of people around the world who suffer from debilitating illnesses and diseases. This…
Lukkana Suksanpaisan, PhD
As the regenerative medicine field continues to grow, more researchers and scientists are depending upon contracted services to provide vital…
Allan B. Dietz, PhD
Mill Creek Life Sciences produces materials that provide the nutrients and growth factors needed to develop cells used in regenerative medicine.…
Bruce Walcheck, PhD
Cancer is a difficult disease to treat because it is hard to detect within the body. Cancer sneaks in to normal cells and changes them to cancer…
Elizabeth W. Bradley, PhD
Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the US today. The disease occurs when articular cartilage in a joint degenerates.…
Deborah Ferrington, PhD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly, affecting about 15 million people in the United States.…
Scott L. Nyberg, MD, PhD
For many patients with acute liver failure (ALF), the only option for a cure is a liver transplant. ALF is contracted when a normally healthy liver…
Robert T. Tranquillo, PhD
Coronary bypass surgery is a challenging operation. Essentially, it’s replumbing a patient’s heart, similar to what happens if the gas line to your…