Planaria Pop‐Up: Teaching Rural K‐12 Kids Regenerative Medicine Science at 4 Minnesota County Fairs
Grant Project Details:
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Grant Description
Our 3 goals are to: 1) teach 1,000 rural elementary students at 4 Minnesota County Fairs, June‐August 2019, basic biology of regenerative medicine and Minnesota's seminal role in research and innovative clinical application through fair booths equipped with 2 digital microscopes and planaria at difference stages of regrowth, staffed by the Program Director, interns and mentors to guide visitors' discovery 2) From Sept‐December 2019 collaborate with 4H youth from our fair counties and other booth visitors to help them apply their new scientific knowledge to author and illustrate 4 children's science books on regenerative medicine in Minnesota 3) From January‐May 2020 extend the learning to the rest of the state, nation and world by creating a free, online standards‐based curriculum on Minnesota Regenerative Medicine with toolkits and rubrics for distance learning‐‐increasingly important to rural advanced science education as broadband access improves‐‐all hosted on the new Regenerative Medicine Commons web site we build.
Grant Awardee Biography