Derivation of clinical grade transgene-free human iPSC using a newly developed measles reprogramming system for the treatment of diabetes.

Grant Project Details:

Patricia Devaux, PhD
Guggenheim Building | Rochester, MN
In Process
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Grant timeline: proposal, updates, reports

Grant Location

Guggenheim Building
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55902

Grant Description

Dr. Devaux is testing a new way of making human blood cells go back to a state from which they can then develop into other kinds of cells, particularly insulin-producing cells that could help diabetic patients

Grant is in no-cost extension through 8/30/2019.

Year 1 Progress Report:

We have developed a new technology to reprogram human cells to go back to a state from which they can then develop into other kinds of cells. In this first grant period, we have shown that we could reprogram human cells and for the first time showed that these cells can be developed into cells producing insulin. As our technology is based on a strain of Measles virus, one of the safest vaccines in human history, the use of a safe and reliable system to produce insulin-producing cells would have a significant impact in the translation of these cells for patients with types 1 and 2 diabetes.

Grant Awardee Biography

image of Patricia Devaux, PhD

Patricia Devaux, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Mayo Clinic. She also a researcher with the Gene and Virus Therapy Program, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, and Molecular Medicine.