Translational and Regenerative Immunotherapy for Spontaneous Disease in Dogs

LEAH Labs is bringing regenerative immunotherapy to dogs. We use gene editing to enable the translation of cell therapies from successful application in humans into the canine market. We aim to treat spontaneous, naturally occurring disease in dogs as a clear unmet business need, while also using dogs as a model to better inform human therapeutic intervention.

LifEngine Animal Health Laboratories Incorporated
Wesley Wierson, PhD

Human hematopoiesis in genetically modified swine

Our goal is to engineer a humanized swine model that carries key human cytokines, this strategy will provide the immunology field a high capacity and robust platform that promotes hematopoietic stem cells, CAR T cells, innate immune cells production, differentiated and cultured in high volume bioincubators. Humanized MISTRG porcine model could also become the new gold standard of immune response therapies before the final step of stage four of drug testing for human applications, altering the mouse as the commonly used model.

Recombinetics Inc.
Ohad Gafni, PhD